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Empty Leg Flights

On Fly Air Has You Covered. Wherever. Whenever

What are Empty Leg Flights?

Understanding Empty Leg Flights: An empty leg flight occurs when an aircraft flies from one destination to another without any passengers or cargo—crew only. But why should this matter to you? These flights present an opportunity for savvy travelers to significantly cut costs. For instance, a typical one-way flight from Van Nuys to Palm Beach might cost around $40,000. However, with an empty leg flight, you could snag the same route for as little as $25,000. The catch? You’ll need to be flexible. The aircraft type, departure time, and date are usually predetermined, as these flights are often scheduled to reposition the plane for another customer’s trip. By adjusting your schedule to fit these flights, you can enjoy substantial savings.

We prioritize quality, safety, and credibility, earning your full trust when it comes to private jet charters and our operational procedures.

Why Choose OnFly Air? At OnFly Air, we take pride in offering one of the most comprehensive networks of operators in the industry. Our dedicated team meticulously searches through numerous lists to find the best empty leg flight deals available. The benefit of partnering with a broker rather than a single independent company is clear: you have a committed ally working to serve your needs. Our goal is to provide you with exceptional choices and value, ensuring that every journey you book with us is not just a flight, but a tailored travel experience.

How To Book

Reach Out to OnFly Air Today! Connect with us via phone or email to discover an empty leg flight that aligns perfectly with your upcoming travel itinerary. When you choose OnFly, you’re not just booking a flight; you’re gaining a team of professionals dedicated to your travel needs. We provide direct access to an FAA-certified pilot, ensuring that any questions or concerns you have are addressed by an expert. What sets OnFly apart is our team of elite private jet pilots who manage the charter operations. With their decades of combined flying experience, you can be confident that you’re in the safest and most knowledgeable hands in the industry.

Coming Soon...

At OnFly Air, we’re setting new standards beyond what traditional travel companies offer. Our tech team is excited to announce that soon, we will be providing free access to our extensive network of empty legs. This initiative will revolutionize how you shop for flights. No email or personal information will be required to browse our deals—simply explore at your leisure. When you’re ready to book, OnFly is streamlining the process with a planned one-click checkout feature. Stay tuned, as this page will soon feature a comprehensive list of all available empty legs from our trusted operators across the nation. Get ready for a simpler, more accessible way to find the best deals on private flights. With OnFly, shopping for empty legs will be easier than ever before!

Empty Leg FAQ's

An empty leg flight, also known as a ferry flight or deadhead, occurs when a private jet flies without any passengers to reposition itself for the next scheduled service. This typically happens after dropping off passengers and needing to return to the home base or move to another location for an upcoming charter.

Because the aircraft needs to fly that route regardless of whether there are passengers aboard, operators often offer these trips at a significantly reduced rate to recoup some costs rather than flying empty. These discounts can be up to 75% cheaper than a regular charter price.

Click Here or you can book an empty leg flight by contacting charter companies, brokers like OnFly Air, or using specialized apps and websites that list available empty leg flights. Keep in mind, availability is often limited to specific times and routes.

Flexibility is key when booking an empty leg. The departure times, dates, and even the airports might not match your initial travel plan. Additionally, since these flights are conditional upon the primary charter’s schedule, there can be last-minute changes or cancellations.

If the primary charter is canceled or rescheduled, the empty leg flight associated with it will likely be affected. This could mean a change in the itinerary or a complete cancellation of the empty leg. Always confirm the cancellation policy with the broker or operator before booking.

While empty leg flights offer the same level of comfort and luxury as regular charters, specific requests for amenities or services might be more limited due to the nature of the flight being a repositioning move rather than a customized private charter.

Yes, empty leg flights are available both for domestic and international routes. The availability can vary greatly depending on the routes and demand for charter services in those areas.

Empty leg flights are generally listed closer to the date of departure since they depend on the confirmed bookings of other charters. It’s common to find these deals a few days to a few weeks in advance, although last-minute listings are also possible.


We’d be happy to help however we can, give us a call or send us an email to get started today.