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Aircraft Sales

Make Buying and Selling Aircraft a Breeze!

OnFly Air has a large network within the private aircraft industry. Whether you are looking to buy, sell, or find a reputable company to manage your aircraft near you-Allow OnFly Air to handle it so you can rest assured you’re in good hands.

If you find yourself chartering flights more than 10 to 15 times a year or exceeding 150 to 200 flight hours annually, it may be time to consider purchasing your own private jet. Owning your own aircraft provides unparalleled flexibility and convenience, allowing you to travel on your schedule, access remote destinations, and ensure that your personal preferences are always met. Beyond personal use, ownership also opens the door to significant financial benefits. By chartering out your jet during idle periods through a reputable management company, you can offset operational costs and generate additional income. Furthermore, aircraft ownership can offer substantial tax advantages through depreciation. While the initial investment may seem steep, the ability to customize your travel experience, avoid long waits at commercial airports, and enhance productivity can make private jet ownership an irresistible proposition for frequent flyers. Ultimately, owning your own jet is not just a means of travel; it’s an investment in unparalleled convenience, security, and luxury.

Although purchasing or selling your own jet may seem a bit overwhelming allowing OnFly Air to step in we can carefully guide you through the process and eliminate any stress you may have. Not only can we help purchase an aircraft but we can vet charter companies from our list of certified vendors to care for, maintain, hangar, and charter out your aircraft anywhere in the country. 

Navigating the complexities of buying, selling, and managing aircraft requires a partner with expertise and industry connections. OnFly Air offers comprehensive services to streamline these processes, helping you maximize the value of your aircraft. Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, or find the right charter company to manage your plane, our dedicated team of aviation professionals ensures you receive tailored solutions and seamless support.

Purchasing an aircraft is a significant investment that requires careful planning and market insight. At OnFly Air, we simplify the buying process by providing access to a vast network of aircraft listings and leveraging our deep market knowledge to find the perfect aircraft for your needs. Our personalized approach ensures you receive expert guidance throughout, from initial market research to final negotiations. With OnFly Air, you can confidently expand your fleet or embark on aircraft ownership with ease.

Selling an aircraft can be a complex process, but OnFly Air makes it seamless and profitable. We craft tailored marketing strategies to showcase your aircraft’s best features, ensuring maximum visibility across our extensive network. Our experienced team manages every detail, from pricing and negotiations to paperwork and closing, helping you secure the best possible price with minimal hassle. Let us take the guesswork out of selling your aircraft.

Finding the right charter company to manage your aircraft is crucial for maximizing revenue and maintaining operational standards. At OnFly Air, we thoroughly vet charter operators based on performance, compliance, and customer satisfaction, ensuring a perfect match for your needs. With our industry connections and in-depth knowledge, we identify operators that align with your goals, allowing you to unlock your aircraft’s full earning potential while enjoying peace of mind with a reliable partner.

OnFly Air is redefining the private aviation industry. For too long, the older generation has dominated the sector, leading to complacency and a lack of innovation. OnFly Air is poised to become the leader in both flight bookings and aircraft transactions by leveraging cutting-edge technology.

Soon, we’ll be launching a groundbreaking marketplace for buying and selling aircraft. Our platform will be modern, intuitive, AI-assisted, and friendly to crypto and foreign currencies, offering a seamless experience for both buyers and sellers.

As OnFly Air continues to expand, we’re developing a marketplace extension that will create significant value for both buyers and sellers. Our goal is to make aircraft shopping effortless, efficient, and rewarding for all parties involved.